10 Tips to Hire A Company for Education App Development

“According to Statista, the global mobile education market volume was expected to increase from 3.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2011 to 37.8 U.S. dollars in 2020. ”

The rapid adoption of digital education has revolutionized the learning and knowledge scales. It has facilitated learners to access information at any time and any place. mLearning is the most prominent industry as it continues to expand in the predominant global education market. Over the years, e-textbooks have accelerated portable solutions. Schools are adopting an e-learning platform for classroom learning. mLearning is not only beneficial for students but also employees. Corporates have also introduced the e-learning platform for improvement in employee skill development. This platform enables employees to learn on-the-go that has improved the training sessions and the rate of course completion.

The top educational app development companies have already implemented advanced technologies such as AI, VR, chatbots, and many more to deliver quality and premium solutions for users. Technological implementation varies according to the project requirements. Therefore, to outsource educational app development, you must carefully examine the mobile education development organizations for your custom requirements.

Let’s understand how to choose the best education app development company as per your project requirements.


How To Choose Education App Development Company

To hire the right company for your education app development, you need to focus on the following key aspects:

  • Expertise
  • Size and ability to scale
  • Team Members
  • Development Process
  • Pricing Model
  • Infrastructure and measure for IP protection

You must carefully evaluate the education app development organizations in order to ensure to lay a foundation of mutual benefits and long-term relationship. In case your initial choice does not work, then the re-evaluation cost is high. Also, you may not get the required management support to redo the evaluation process.

Thus, here are a few tips that will help you to choose the best education app development company for your project. These tips will surely impact the success of your outsourcing initiative.


#1. Know the Company’s Goal

You must ensure that the app development company that you are going to hire focuses on building education apps and earns 50% or more revenue from education app development. It assures you the required support in the long run. If a company’s primary business is custom eLearning, it will lead to continuous improvement and enhancement in portfolio and skills.


#2. Know Their Past Experience

You must know how much experience does the app development company has in the education sector. You can ask the company about the duration of each eLearning project and assess which out of these projects is long-term. You must have their longevity record to get more certainty of how your relationship will be handled.


#3. Personally Assess Each Team Member

You must ask for the resume of the development team of the outsourcing company. The development team includes Project Managers, Instructional Designers, Visual Designers, Technical Experts, and Quality Auditors.

You should check on the talent nurturing and retention plans of the company. In this way, you can have a good idea of how you will continue your project with their development team.


#4. Company Must have Clear & Well-Defined Process

You must know the app development process of the outsourcing company and ask for how flexible their workflow is to handle your project requirements. Moreover, you must enquire about their assets that are being used on some projects so that you can determine how effectively their processes are followed. Check when the existing workflow gets updated and enquire about the agile practices.


#5. Know Their Approach

You must interrogate what drives their solution architecting – tools or learning experience. You must cross-examine if solutions are based on learner performance, how they will create a positive impact on the business, and do they take any consultative approach to craft the right solution?


#6. Check If Companies Meet Deadlines

You must enquire about how the outsourcing companies manage their schedules and ask – “What are the impacts when concurrent projects happen?” during the reference checks.


#7. Risk Management & Mitigation

You must enquire about their framework and how risks and mitigation plans would be communicated to you. For this, you need to ask how this learning will be factored in subsequent projects.


#8. How They Collaborate Among Distributed Teams

You must know how outsourcing companies collaborate among distributed teams. So, you must ask about the coverage to handle time-zone challenges. Ensure the effectiveness of their communication and collaboration during the reference checks.


#9. Whether the Company Offers Innovative Solutions

You must ask if innovation exists in outsourcing companies. If yes, how exactly it is driven. Is this the part of their DNA. You need to ascertain the outcomes and some success stories and check this during the reference checks.


#10. Check Their Pricing Model

You must ensure that there are no hidden costs in their pricing model. This is imperative as you must compare all the above points with your basic outsourcing cost to identify if the model will be feasible.


All Problems One Solution

GrayCell Technologies, India is the right app development company for your education business. Its exceptional education app development team caters to clients’ business requirements and offers the best possible solution within the specified timeline. GrayCell strengthens the education business and prioritizes client satisfaction by including the aforementioned points in their engagement model.



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