How Technology Can Boost Your Online Business

Technology is an essential part of every business. Whether you manage a team in an office with computers, printers, and software or run a warehouse with large machinery for moving pallets, you rely on technology to keep your business running efficiently. Technology has revolutionized the way we do business– from marketing to internal processes and beyond.

Unfortunately, many small businesses aren’t using technology to its full potential, leaving you open to bottlenecks. If your online business isn’t effectively using technology, you’re losing valuable time, sales, and even customers. Want to learn the different ways technology can improve your business? You’ve come to the right place. Here are just a few ways you can leverage technology to boost your online business in more ways than one.


Enhance Internal Communication

If you run an online business with partners or employees, you may work remotely from time to time, allowing you to focus on the business rather than the day-to-day office functions. Technology helps improve internal communications for businesses of all types, but especially eCommerce businesses that may have employees across the globe. Now, with communication software like Slack and Zoom, you can communicate with your teams throughout the day without spending time on travel. These applications allow you to increase communication throughout all areas of the business and can help employees become more efficient and collaborative to accomplish more in a single day.


Improve Customer Service

Quality customer service is an important part of every eCommerce business. After all, you have to find some way to communicate with customers who have questions or concerns about your products and services. In the past, email and phone conversations have been the primary method of customer service communications. However, innovations like chatbots and artificial intelligence allow you to effectively serve more customers without having to hire more representatives.

Chatbots are cost-effective in the long run because you won’t have to pay salaries and can instead have your employees focus on other tasks. Of course, since customer service is an essential aspect of every business, you must set up chatbots to function properly and have someone available to answer questions when a bot can’t.


Improve Marketing



Technology and marketing go hand in hand, and as technology evolves, so too does marketing. Companies no longer need to invest thousands of dollars into one snail mail campaign and can instead reach more customers with online marketing strategies like search engine optimization (SEO), social media advertising, and email marketing. Additionally, technology allows you to track the performance of these marketing strategies, allowing you to make adjustments in real-time to support your marketing goals based on real data from real customers. With digital marketing tools, you no longer have to rely on guesswork and can instead collect all the data you need to make better decisions when it comes to your budget.


Reduce Expenses

Technology can drastically reduce expenses in several ways. For example, if you have remote employees, you can save money on office and other overhead costs. Additionally, you can avoid spending money on costly (yet comfortable!) office furniture and computers.

Some technologies also allow you to save money in the long run, even if you haven’t moved from the office to a remote work environment. For example, you can use employee productivity tracking software to see how efficient and productive employees are and use the data you gather to make a plan to increase output.

Additionally, software that allows you to track your expenses can help your business save money by showing you detailed reports on where your money goes, allowing you to formulate a plan to spend less on regular expenses throughout the year. Finance apps can even integrate with your website or sales tools to help you understand more about how much it costs to do business.


Simplifies Project Management

Technology can simplify project management for teams by helping employees understand what tasks are higher priority and how they should be completed. Utilizing time trackers or scheduling software can help your teams accomplish their tasks on time, allowing project managers to track progress and find new ways to motivate employees to manage their time.


Web-based Payments


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